The Miracle-Ear Foundation® serves and supports children and adults who have a hearing loss. Our Gift of Sound program provides hearing aids and hearing support services to families or individuals who have incomes that are significantly limited, who are unable to afford the high costs of quality hearing instruments, and who have exhausted all possible resources for their hearing health. Hearing challenges are unique, every application for service and support are considered on an individual basis. The recommended hearing aid style will depend on a person’s specific hearing condition and circumstances.

  • Applicants must have a hearing loss that requires amplification (hearing aids).
  • Applicants are seeking help from the Miracle-Ear Foundation as there are no other resources available including, but not limited to: insurance, state Medicaid program, VA or vocational rehab, state or local programs, and other charity sources.
  • Applicants must complete an application form to be considered for services. Children 18 years and younger must provide a current audiogram and medical clearance dated within the last six months, and signed by a physician (MD, ENT). While medical clearance is encouraged for adults, a signed medical waiver is acceptable.
  • Applicants must have an income level which does not allow the family to receive public support – see specific income eligibility requirements. Total household income must be at or below the chart provided to qualify and demonstrate personal inability to financially provide for hearing health.
  • Applicants must possess a family commitment to intervention, rehabilitation, and necessary follow-up services, which is especially important for a child applicant as they grow.
  • Applicant must be a resident of the Kansas City area and committed to regular follow-up care at a Kansas City-area Miracle-Ear Center.

If you fit within the eligibility requirements and have carefully reviewed the criteria for income, assets and hearing loss, you may be eligible for services from the Miracle-Ear Foundation. You will receive a notification by email or phone if you have been approved or denied services.